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What is hair spa

What is hair spa

Hair spa is a special treatment for hair. In this, massage, cream, machine and hair mask are used.

Before hair spas in the hair, it is taken care of what is the texture of your hair, it is oily, roughened, or is struggling with any other problem.

Hair is shampooed before any hair treatment is done.

Due to sweating in the hair and dirt fractures on them, problems like scarring, pimples, and hair fall on them. Such hair, according to their texture, is selected for cremation and about 45 minutes of massage is given.

After this the machine is given ultraviolet range on hair, arms and back, this eliminates bacteria in the hair and other skin parts of the body also feel comfortable on the head.

After this hair is softened by the crossover machine, then the hair construction machine is used.

After this hair is washed with shampoo again. If the hair is not too damaged then it is enough to take this treatment once a month, if there is a problem in the hair, take treatment twice a week.

Having a hair mask at Hair Spa is also very important. It specializes in this process. The amount of cream is taken specially in this mask.

During the rainy days, the quantity of cream is increased in the cream, which works to remove moisture.

When to have a Spa

When there are many problems in the hair such as hair drying, two mouths, dizziness and lifelessness, besides, when the hair becomes rusty or too much oily and even dandruff, it is very beneficial to take a hair spa is. like-

If yes dry hair

It is a deep conditioning treatment, if your hair is stiff and lifeless, then do it once a week, otherwise it is enough twice a month.

Take olive oil to spas at home. Wash the hair with warm water and massage the oil with light hands and apply oil well in the entire head. After this, wrap the hair with a plastic bag and leave it for half an hour. After this, add hair mask afterwards.

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How to make hair masks

Take an egg, a spoon castor oil, a lemon juice, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of glycerin to make hair masks. Mix these ingredients well with aggbitter. Put this mixer on the hair for one hour and wear plastic shower cap.

For making a hair mask, make a ripe banana, two spoonful of mayonnaise, a spoonful honey paste, and leave it for 25 minutes and wash the head with lukewarm water, it will make the hair soft.

If You Are Damaged Hair

Using hair color, hair rollers, perming and other chemicals harm the hair. This problem can be overcome in some seating by giving a defrimenter, hair mask and oil treatment through Hair Spa.

Make Spa at Home How To Do Hair Spa at Home

Things to use

Shampoo, towel, wide-angular comb and hair conditioning kit.

Whether you want to do hair spa at home. First of all, massage the olive oil with lukewarm oil and then give the hair steam. Wash the hair with mild shampoo after ten minutes after steam, then massage the hair with a hair spray cream and after some time wash the hair with water.

Take care to use shampoo only after 48 hours of using Hair Spa Cream.

Hair Expert reported that only 80 percent of the hair should dry when the hair is dry. The use of the dryer in the hair should be minimized so that the hair is less broken.

Create a spa for the spa

To relax yourself, you have to create the right atmosphere of the spa. During this time you keep the mobile locked so no one will disturb you.

Keep a little light to maintain good atmosphere and play light music.

Use candles, burn candles by lighting the lights around the bathtub while preparing the spa.

You can use fragrance candles.

Take help from the partner and make them light-up massage of oil in the head. But even during this time, you should not talk to each other, but the atmosphere should be completely peaceful.

The benefits of spa are hair spa in hindi

The spa uses all kinds of natural things. In this massage, a special type of pressure is applied to the masals, which also protects us from many diseases associated with head and physical and mental health as well as elimination of stress and fatigue.

Nowadays the trend of color therapy has increased tremendously. According to this, all the diseases and problems are due to the imbalance of the colors present in our body and the spas pay great attention to these.

By the way, spa sessions include steps such as detoxification, relaxation, healing and balancing, stimulation.

Precautions while going to the spa center

Choose a good spa center for yourself, who has done a course related to it or has complete knowledge, otherwise by pressing the wrong place while doing massage, you can also fight with any other problem.

Cleanliness and hygiene are taken care of in your parlor, or else it will be your problem.

If you are allergic to any particular oil or cream, tell it in advance so that it can be used less.

It is also not good to have a very quick spas, so then when you need to have a spa or when the time of your spa sitting is sprayed.

It is good to have a spa center near home, because it takes time to get it done or take a little time to come, if there is a tension to go home early then do not come, because it will not allow you to relax in a calm and stressless mind and its The effect will be on your spa treatment.

Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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