Are you tired of your acne problems? Does your skin get itchy and irritation? Are you afraid of trying drugs for them? Have you tried all the possible solutions and tested and are close to giving? Ayurveda is the solution to the problems of all your acne. Ayurveda can cure the problem of your acne due to its naturally occurring solution, and in a short time you will leave it with the skin. It responds quickly and effectively to your skin, removes all previous marks of acne.
Here are some ways that Ayurveda can help you get innocent skin.
Basil Paste: There are many medicinal properties in Tulsi. In addition to healing your throat, it can also give you a blistering skin. Just make a paste of basil and hot water. Apply this mask to your affected area for at least four to five times a week. Within a month, you can see the change for yourself.
Honey and lemon paste: Mix honey and lemon juice. Put it on the areas of your skin that are affected by the pump. Make sure you do not apply it to areas that have pain paints. This will burn the pimples and you will have inconvenience. Paste can be applied five to six times a week, and its effects can be seen within a fortnight.
Neem Paste: Neem Paste is often used as a main ingredient in many face wash. This is due to its original properties of drying the skin and correcting it from within. Fresh neem paste can be used once a day to wash your face. It removes all the dirt and opens the blocked pores due to pimples.
Mint leaves: Make a paste of fresh leaves of mint. Put it on the affected part of your skin. Let it dry and then turn it off. Cooling effect occurs in mint leaves, which reduces irritation. It is also very effective in removing pimple marks from your skin.
Raw Papaya: Sticky Liquid, which is often given by papaya, is a natural remedy for treating pimples on the face. Although this feeling is viscous and slim, but regular use of this substance can help to fix the problem of all your pimples and acne.
These are some of the most widely used natural and Ayurvedic methods to deal with your skin problems. If you want to discuss a particular problem, then you can consult Ayurveda.