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How To Make Black And Torn Lips Pink And Soft How To Make Black Cracked Damaged Lips Smooth, Pink And Soft

As the eyes are considered to be the mirror of the mind, so the lips are thought to be a mirror of feelings arising in the mind. People are happy to see a slight smile of your beautiful lips, but if this lip is not beautiful and attractive then it is not so attractive that it is a beautiful face.

When the lips are such an important part of our body, then how can it be ignored? Therefore it is necessary to know about the problems in the lips.

Lips Ki Hone Wali Problems

These are common problems occurring in the lips such as, lips become dry, bursting of them, sometimes the scab gets frozen on them, and even if you do not pay attention, blood starts to flow too much, using too much lipstick and Due to pollution, our lips begin to fall black.

Cause of Lip Cracking Problem

There are two main causes of the rupture of the lips –

# 1st – Lasts begin to dry with cold weather and cold winds in winter. Due to the lack of vitamins and calcium, lips also get torn apart.

# 2nd – If we drink water less then our body is deficient in water, causing it to rupture our lips dryly, so we do not let the water level lower than our bodies in the winter season. needed. But even if there is no moisture in our lips and they appear dry, then let’s know, some effective home remedies for its protection.

Homemade Remedy For Lip Care

भरपूर Consume a balanced diet, such as oranges, sprouted cereals, papaya, sugarcane juice, spinach, and carrots.

खाना Eat calcium rich food, do not cook vegetables much, by doing this, their nutrition gets destroyed and you do not get the proper benefit.

ूर Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day. Whenever you go out, keep a bottle of water with you.

से Before you sleep at night, mustard oil of mustard oil and regularly put it in the navel. If you do so regularly, then problems in your lips will never occur.

का Use lipgard, lipcare, or Vaseline on the lips several times a day in the winter. And put the desi ghee (Butter) on your lips before sleeping at night.

Important Things To Remember For Lip Care

In today’s modern times, in order to look beautiful, we use a lot of exquisite beauty treatments without thought. Which is not only harmful for our skin, but also harmful to our health. Therefore, the use of cosmetic should not be considered unintentional.

Always use good quality lipstick or lipgard.

की Clean the lips with coconut oil before sleeping at night.

कर To get the natural pinkness of the lips, mix the saffron in the freshly salted butter at night, so that your lips will bloom like roses.

प्रयोग Make sure to use the cream on the lips before sleeping in the night, so your lips will stay soft and smooth.

कि Exercise of the lips of the lips will also become effective, and it will also become beautiful due to lips to whistle with lips to give beautiful lips.

Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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