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facemask for oily skin

Best homemade face mask for oily skin

oily skin is the most irritating skin type. it catches dirt and impurity very easily from its surrounding and tends to break out.
thease are best homemade mask for oily skin :
1.turmeric  mask 

  • 2 table spoon gram flour(besan)
  • five drop lemon juice 
  • half teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 2tablespoon of milk 
  • water as needed


mix ingredients and apply to face for 20 minutes and wash out. 
it does deep cleansing and removes dead skin cells, giving a clear appearance.this mask will act natural exfoliating scrub for oily skin.

2. lemon mask
oily skin does need some moisture, but it need to bwe oilfree. milk combined with few drop of lemon makes a mask that is idal for people with oily skin.
it acts as a natural cleanser lemon reduce the oiliness while milk gives the skin a soft and glowing.

3. fruit face mask
lemon,orange, tomato,grapefruit and papaya all benefits oily skin in many ways . they are rich invitsmin c and have astringent oil that are very beneficial for ioly skin.
natural astringents in these fruits help to tighten facial pores, reduce oil secretion and make skin clean.

4. tomato
tomato facemask are very effective at dissolving extra oil whlie shinking the size of large looking pores.
mash a red tomato and apply on face for 15 minutes you can apply this homemade facemask tree times a week.
5. orange peel
orange peel is a well known remady to manage overly shine skin. orange peels are first dried in the shade and then powdered to make a face mask. it can be used with water, curd or milk. homemade orange peel masks cleen and open clogging pores. 
it astringent properties also reduce extra oil from skin. 

Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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