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Beauty Benefits of rose

Roses and beauty go hand in hand.

They are stunning to look at, and help make us beautyful in return. Other than looking and smelling pretty, roses are full of antioxidants, help fight inflammation, are antibacterial ,great for toning, and promote relaxation. 

Rose essential oil
We know about the emotional and psychological effects of roses. More importantly, let’s explore some of the medicinal and health benefits of rose essential oil below.
1.fight depression 
Rose oil boost self esteem, confidence, and mental strength while efficiently fighting depression. 
2.reduce inflammation 
Rose essential oil calm down a patient with high fever by sweating the information. 
It can be also the beneficial in other cases of inflammation caused by microbial infections, ingestion of poisonous materials,indigestion and dehydration. 
3.Treat wounds
Topically applying rose oil to wounds helps to protect them from becoming septic and developing infections.
4.Skin care
This property of rose essential oil can be great interest.
5.purifies the blood
Rose essential oil purifiers the blood by helping in the removal and neutralization of toxins.
6.rose water helps maintain the skins ph balance . And also control access oil.
It is great cleanser and aids and removing oil and dirt.
7. Rose water helps hydrated, revitalise and moisturise the skin.
8.rose water helps clean the pores and tone the skin. 

Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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