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Benefits of neem facemask, remove acne, 20 minutes magic

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Benefits of neem facemask, remove acne, 20 minutes magic

Benefits of neem facemask


Azadirachta indica, usually recognized as
neem, gets drawn international importance at
past ages, owing to its broad variety of
healthful attributes. Neem gets existed
extensively employed at Ayurveda, Unani and
Homoeopathic medicine and has become a
cynosure of modern medicine.

elaborates a vast array of biologically active
compounds that are chemically diverse and
structurally complex. More than 140
compounds have been isolated from different
parts of neem. All parts of the neem tree-
leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots and bark
have been used traditionally for the treatment
of inflammation, infections, fever, skin diseases
and dental disorders. The medicinal utilities
have been described especially for neem leaf.

Neem leaf and its constituents have been
demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory,
anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic,
antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial,

Acne gets traditionally existed associated with
greasy surface, though dried surface
constitutes as inclined to acne.

constitutes the Marvel baton that places the
point to acne induced because of excessive oil.
Trapped oil in pores is the major concern that
leads to pimples on oily skin. Oily skin
produces an unbelievable amount of oil every

This leads to such an outbreak which is
very difficult to be contained. Neem makes a
wonderfully unique oil regulating mechanism
that keeps the skin pores oil and sebum free.
Neem comes as an acne defense mechanism
for oily skin, as it can regulate oil formation for
up to 5 hours of its application.

How to make neem face pack for fair skin :
you need neem leaves and half a cup of ripe
papaya to make the face fair. Make a paste by
mixing neem leaves and papaya pieces. Apply
this paste on your skin and massage your face.
Allow this face pack to dry for some time and
then clean your face with clean water. This
may be the best home remedy to make the skin

How to make neem face pack for oily skin:
To make neem face pack, make a paste by
breaking fresh neem leaves and add 3–4 pinch
of turmeric powder to it. If your paste is thick,
you can add a few drops of water to dilute it.
After washing your face with clean water,
apply this mixture on the face and after 20
minutes wash the face with cold water. It helps
to remove excess oil on your face and remove

How to make neem face pack for glowing
Make a paste of neem leaves and basil leaves
and prepare a good mixture by adding honey
and multani soil to it. Apply this mixture on
your face and throat and after 30 minutes wash
your face by scrubbing.

• It protects you from pollution, dust, and heat.
After all, nature cures nature!
• It also prevents oily skin, blemishes, and
• It brightens and moisturizes your skin
Gives you a flawless glowing skin.

1. Take 1 teaspoon each of neem powder and
sandalwood powder.
2. Add just enough rose water to make a fine
3. Apply the paste to your entire face and neck.
4. Wash it off with cool water after 10-15


This neem face pack benefits those with a
sensitive skin best. However, if you’re always on
a tight schedule, the neem papaya scrub is a
better idea.
Papaya mixed with neem can work wonders for
your skin since papaya has exfoliating
properties. The neem papaya scrub can –
• Kill any harmful bacteria
• Remove blackheads
Remove dead skin cells
Give you a glowing skin

Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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