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best facepack for men

best face pack for men 

face pack and skin care are not just limited to women. men too should take care of thier face and skin to maintain the youthfull skin and complexion. men with dry,oily, and sensitive skin need extra care and attention. 

we will share best homemade facepacks for the dry skin, oily skin, and treate the skin darkness for men.

1.  yogurt  and turmeric facepack for men for sun tan removal;

this pack treat the skin darkness   and sun tanning. men are not much in sunscreen which makes the skin get tanned  fairly ,easily which is why this yogurt and turmeric facepack will be the best to remove the sun tan from the face and body.

how to prepare this tanremoval facepack;

take one teaspoonful of curd or yogurt and add three pinches of turmeric powder in to it. mix and use on the face and other body parts. leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

2.  milk cream and oats face mask for men with dry skin;

A lot of men suffer from dry skin condition where ther skin will get parched and flaky. the peeling skin looks bad. this oatmeal and milkcream facepack best for the  dry skin.

take some milk cream and half the amount of oatmeal. mix both of  them and use on the face as pack . and wash after 20 minutes.

3.neem facefack for  men with acne , pimple on face’

men with acne and pimple prone skin will find this facepack very helpful, as it has neem which with its antibacterial properties clear the skin infection pimples fst.

how to make this facepack;

take 1 teaspoonful of neem powder and mix with some rose water or just normal water to make paste. apply on face and wash after 15 to  20 minutes. you can try this three times in a week.
this is excellent home remedy for teanage boy.

4. hony and orange juice facepack for sensitive skin;

this is mild skin lightening and whitening facepack for men. this has honey and orange juice which make the skin fairer  without being too haish like lemon juice.

how to make it;

mix one teaspoonful of both orange juice and honey. use pure organic and natural honey for good result. use this to  gently massage  on the face and then keep for 20 to 25 minutes . then wash with water.

5. besan ubtan facepack for men for glow and lighten skin;

indian brides use ubtan with besan to improve thier skin color. enhance the skin glow and to get rid of the sun tan and acne. men can use this ubtan facepack to  improve the facial complexion.

how to make ubtan facepack for men;

take one teaspoonful of besan also kwnon as gram flour and mix 3  pinches of turmeric. make a paste of these two ingredients with help of some curd. curd will be mixing agent in this facepack. apply on the face and let it dry. wassh after 20 minutes.

6. curd and rice flour pack  for men exfoliation;

this is an exfoliation facepack which will remove the dirt and grime along with the dead skin cells from the face. exfoliating facepack  made with rice flour and curd is ideal for all skin types and is amazing to get a smooth facial skin . gradually this mens face pack will lighten the acne marks and pimples. 

mix some rice flour and curd and apply on the face  keep for 10 minutes. scrub off and rinse.

hey.. guys if you like this article please leave a comment .


Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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