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glowing skin in overnight

DO you realy on makeup item like primer and foundation to brightenup your dull skin? if so, then do read on, as today we’re letting you know about simple yet effective tricks to make your skin glow overnight.

however, before we begin with the solution, lets discuss the factors that rob your skin off its natural glow. the most commen factors that that cause dull skin are unhealthy lifestyle habits like excessive alchohal consumption and smoking, lack of proper skin care and having an unbalanceed diet.

these are some overnight tricks that can help you wake up with a glowing skin

1.Apply milk

application of milk is one  glow boosting trick that numrous women use all over the world. this trick can help you get rid of dark spots and make your skin glow radiantly at all times.

How to use ;

– put row cold milk in a boll and soak a cotten ball in it.
– dab the cotten ball all over your skin.
– leave it the night.
– in the morning, cleanse your face with cold water.

2. Apply overnight sleeping face mask

ther are mamorias slee[ping face masks availavle in the beauty store. pick the one that best suits your skin type and use it as per the instructions to revive dull- looking skin.

how to use ;

– clean your  face with a light cleanser and pat it dry.
– apply the sleeping face mask.
– let it stay there overnight .
in the morning wash off the mask and apply the  light moisturizer.

3. massage with face oil

face oil have been around for ages and are considersd to the ultimate remedy for dull looking skin.they promote blood circulation in your skin..

how to use ;

  clean your face and put a little  bit of aface oil on to your cleansed face.

4. Apply rose water

rose water helps become your skin soft and smooth.
 how to use
-soak a cotten ball in rose water gently dab it all over your face.
– allow it  to stay on your skin overnight.

– in the morning cleansed your face with the cold water.

5.scrub with rice and sesame;

the combination of rice and sesame seeds can remove dead skin cells and dirt from your skin pores.

How to use;

– put 2-3 teaspoons of each rice and sesame seeds in a bowl full of water.
– allow the ingridients to soak for the night.
– in the morning, put the material in the blender to get the paste ready.
– smear the paste your on your  skin and gently scrub for 10-15 minutes.
– wash it off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

6. apply aloevera gel;

the skin soothing properties of aloevera gel can rejuvenate your skin and import a radiant glow to it.

7. massage with almond oil

massaging your skin with almond oil can boost its blood circulation  and help you wakeup with glowing and fresh looking skin.

how to use;

– smear almond oil on your freshly cleaned face.
– gently massage with your finger tips.
– leave for overnight.
wash it lukewarm water and light cleanser in the morning.

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Rekha vishwakarma

Writer & Blogger

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